Hey Thomas, good for you!
Hopefully, being so young, you will have time to untangle your brain from 'the wicked web WT weaves' in it's attempts to deceive... and be able to lead a cult free life.
Make friends with people outside the JW's, young and old, join clubs, talk to teachers at school, and get closer to your dad. Enjoy life, and MOST of all... do not feel guilty whilest doing so.... but be careful, haha!
You are only 15, how I wish..... I am now older, just found out about the lies the WT told 5 years ago. My husband and kids got out too! I can't look back, just go forward, and learn the lessons from the past, right?
Like Faydunaway said, everyone here can relate, and you will have a sounding board, a place to ask questions, seek answers and we all understand what it is like to be there.
Take care, cha ching!